
McAngel Home Visiting Nurses LLC
CT 06514


Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational therapy will help you or your loved one regain independence and mobility for daily living. Our occupational therapists will create a program tailored to your needs so you can bath, groom, get dressed, use the restroom unassisted or whatever else you need. We first need to learn the extent of your injuries, rehabilitation, and other therapy programs. Then we will work with you, your family, medical team and whoever else you would like involved. We might evaluate your home to create an environment that is safe and works for your current situation. Part of your plan may include working up to assistive devices to facilitate independent living.

Some people think that occupational therapy is a one-size-fits-all program. But that couldn’t be more different than the occupational therapy services provided by McAngel Home Visiting Nurses. We are driven by the needs of our patients and getting them to their goals. Some patients may be looking to get back to holding a tennis racket after a hand or arm surgery. Others may need a more intensive program to get back to living independently to avoid moving into assisted living. Let us help you create and reach your own goal with occupational therapy. Patience, supportiveness, and open communication is what we start with to help you do your best.

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